
  • 简·奥斯汀英文有声书全集共9本Jane Austen(mp3音频+mobi+epub+pdf+txt) 3.96G

    简·奥斯汀英文有声书全集共9本Jane Austen(mp3音频+mobi+epub+pdf+txt) 3.96G

    买这套全集主要因为朗诵者Juliet Stevenson。Stevenson是我最喜欢的有声书女声朗诵者,可惜她不喜欢Pride and prejudice,因此6部长篇唯独没录这部,由Emilia Fox补齐,算是个小遗憾。英国戏剧演员有很多是出色的有声书朗诵者,但像Stevenson这样各方面突出的不多。 我评判朗诵者一般从三方面看,节奏、人物塑造、音色。 初听英音,会有高高低低一顿一顿的感觉,不及美音流畅。有声书朗诵的节奏问题更复杂,能把英音有声书处理得流畅自然、轻重缓急恰到好处很不容易...


  • 莎士比亚全集套装共39本英汉双语11.8G The Complete Works of Shakespeare Unabridged (mp3音频+azw3)

    莎士比亚全集套装共39本英汉双语11.8G The Complete Works of Shakespeare Unabridged (mp3音频+azw3)

    此合集包含39本书的音频与电子书,音频为英文版的音频,电子书为英汉双语正版原版书,排版非常好。电子书是azw3格式,由于太大,就没有进行其他格式的转换,在电脑请使用Calibre阅读,手机等移动设备请使用kindle app阅读。Kindle设备请拷贝至documents目录下阅读。 莎翁的作品具有很强的故事性、哲理性、诗学特性外,看了他的原文之后也才知道,原来不计其数的作品或多或少的收到了他的影响,也终于知道了不少故事的出处。...


  • 沉思录Meditations Unabridged (mp3音频+pdf) 5hrs

    沉思录Meditations Unabridged (mp3音频+pdf) 5hrs

    One of the most significant books ever written by a head of State, the Meditations are a collection of philosophical thoughts by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius (121 - 180 ce). Covering issues such as duty, forgiveness, brotherhood, strength in adversity and the best way to approach life and death, the Meditations have inspired thinkers, poets and poli...


  • 科学怪人Frankenstein Unabridged (mp3音频[BBC广播剧]+pdf) 9hrs

    科学怪人Frankenstein Unabridged (mp3音频[BBC广播剧]+pdf) 9hrs

    Obsessed with the secret of creation, Swiss scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein cobbles together a body he's determined to bring to life. And one fateful night, he does. When the creature opens his eyes, the doctor is repulsed: his vision of perfection is, in fact, a hideous monster. Dr. Frankenstein abandons his creation, but the monster won't be ig...


  • 战争与和平War and Peace Unabridged (mp3音频+pdf+txt) 61hrs

    战争与和平War and Peace Unabridged (mp3音频+pdf+txt) 61hrs

    Often called the greatest novel ever written, War and Peace is at once an epic of the Napoleonic wars, a philosophical study, and a celebration of the Russian spirit. Tolstoy's genius is clearly seen in the multitude of characters in this massive chronicle, all of them fully realized and equally memorable. Out of this complex narrative emerges a pr...


  • 冰与火之歌(权利的游戏)有声书全集共5本10.1G 英文+中文 A Game of Thrones Unabridged (mp3音频+azw3+mobi+epub+pdf)

    冰与火之歌(权利的游戏)有声书全集共5本10.1G 英文+中文 A Game of Thrones Unabridged (mp3音频+azw3+mobi+epub+pdf)

    这部书不必多言吧,只能说不看一生后悔。 站长是先看的美剧后看的书。史诗,巨著,用这些大词来形容这部作品完全不为过。 本书包含英文版的音频、英文版的电子书、中文版电子书的全集,共10.1G。 中文版由屈畅翻译,字句都经过反复推敲,非常有原著的味道。 这本书马丁在讲述故事的时候,还给我们带来了许多经典的语句,这些句子不但凸显出书中人物的性格,也为读者提供了许多处世良方。...


  • 恐怖大师史蒂芬·金黑暗塔系列全集共7本 3.6G The Dark Tower Unabridged (mp3音频+mobi+epub+pdf)

    恐怖大师史蒂芬·金黑暗塔系列全集共7本 3.6G The Dark Tower Unabridged (mp3音频+mobi+epub+pdf)

    客观来讲,“黑暗塔”系列算得上斯蒂芬·金最重要的小说:篇幅最长,约莫三百余万字;写作时间最长,历时三十余年;格局也最庞大,跨越了多重空间和时间。 对斯蒂芬·金本人而言,它也意义重大。黑暗塔”系列将要为读者呈现的,就是枪侠罗兰的英雄史诗,是他那起初荒凉、孤独、满怀痛苦与负疚,在与伙伴们结成新的命运组(卡泰特)后变得丰富、柔软、重新获得爱与希望的征程——是外在的拯救塔的征程,也是内在的拯救心灵的征程...


  • 教父The Godfather Unabridged 中文+英文(mp3音频+mobi+epub+pdf) 18hrs

    教父The Godfather Unabridged 中文+英文(mp3音频+mobi+epub+pdf) 18hrs

    More than 40 years ago, Mario Puzo wrote his iconic portrait of the Mafia underworld, as told through the fictional first family of American crime, the Corleones. The leader, Vito Corleone, is the Godfather. He is a benevolent despot who stops at nothing to gain and hold power. His command post is a fortress on Long Island from which he presides ov...
