
  • 2017年诺奖作家石黑一雄英文原版有声书合集5本(mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 1.88G

    2017年诺奖作家石黑一雄英文原版有声书合集5本(mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 1.88G

    「日本、作家、音乐、哀愁、非日本传统风格」。如果我问,看见这些关键词后可能第一个想到的人是谁,绝大多数的答案应该是村上春树吧。 在没读过石黑一雄的作品之前,如果仅看到我之前的那几个关键词,可能会觉得石黑一雄的风格与村上很接近,但事实并不是如此。石黑一雄是一位以英语作为母语的作家,小说的人物和内容非常国际化,无论是时间还是空间的格局都很大,完全不会拘泥于一种题材,塑造的人物也各具特色。


  • The Sense of Style Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 12hrs

    The Sense of Style Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 12hrs

    A short and entertaining book on the modern art of writing well by New York Times best-selling author Steven Pinker. Why is so much writing so bad, and how can we make it better? Is the English language being corrupted by texting and social media? Do the kids today even care about good writing? Why should any of us care? In The Sense of Style...


  • The Elephant Whisperer Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 11hrs

    The Elephant Whisperer Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 11hrs

    When South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony was asked to accept a herd of "rogue" wild elephants on his Thula Thula game reserve in Zululand, his common sense told him to refuse. But he was the herd's last chance of survival: they would be killed if he wouldn't take them. In order to save their lives, Anthony took them in. In the years that...


  • 线The Thread Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 14hrs

    线The Thread Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 14hrs

    Thessaloniki, 1917. As Dimitri Komninos is born, a devastating fire sweeps through the thriving Greek city where Christians, Jews and Muslims live side by side. Five years later, Katerina Sarafoglou's home in Asia Minor is destroyed by the Turkish army. Losing her mother in the chaos, she flees across the sea to an unknown destination in Greece. So...


  • Girl with a Pearl Earring Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 7hrs

    Girl with a Pearl Earring Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 7hrs

    An international best seller with over two million copies sold, this is a story of an artist's desire for beauty and the ultimate corruption of innocence. 17th Century Holland. When Griet becomes a maid in the household of Johannes Vermeer in the town of Delft, she thinks she knows her role: housework, laundry and the care of his six children. B...


  • 平行世界Parallel Worlds Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 15hrs

    平行世界Parallel Worlds Unabridged (mp3+mobi+epub+pdf) 15hrs

    In this thrilling journey into the mysteries of our cosmos, best-selling author Michio Kaku takes us on a dizzying ride to explore black holes and time machines, multidimensional space, and most tantalizing of all, the possibility that parallel universes may exist alongside our own. Kaku skillfully guides us through the latest innovations in str...


  • American Kingpin Unabridged (m4b+mobi+epub+pdf) 12hrs

    American Kingpin Unabridged (m4b+mobi+epub+pdf) 12hrs

    The unbelievable true story of the man who built a billion-dollar online drug empire from his bedroom - and almost got away with it In 2011, a 26-year-old libertarian programmer named Ross Ulbricht launched the ultimate free market: the Silk Road, a clandestine website hosted on the Dark Web where anyone could trade anything - drugs, hacking sof...
